what people are saying ...
“Lauren has been an absolute joy to work with. Her ability to summarize large amounts of information into informative, yet engaging articles is truly spectacular. Her style of intermingling informational content with personal experiences creates the illusion that you’re having a conversation rather than just reading a litany of facts, a welcome deviation from tedious fact regurgitation. As a contributor to the Atlanta BEST Magazine, she always submits well written and well researched articles with plenty of additional resources for curious readers wanting more. Additionally, Lauren meets deadlines and is open to constructive criticism - any editor’s dream!”
“Dr. Lauren Tanabe is a beautiful scientific storyteller. She writes about her own experiences as a scientist and as a science and healthcare consumer, delicately balancing the technical with the soulful, the detail with patience and understanding.”
“I have known and worked with Dr. Tanabe for over 8 years. I am consistently impressed by her dedication to her work, her exceptional writing skills, her impeccable organizational aptitude, and her multi-tasking abilities. I look forward to working with Dr. Tanabe in the near future on various writing and presentation projects, as well as on scientific and non-scientific projects including grants, papers, scientific meetings, and community outreach.”
“In 2016, Lauren worked as the blog writer and coordinator for a career and professional development program I manage at Wayne State University called BEST, which stands for Broadening Experiences in Scientific Training. This is an NIH-funded initiative to assist highly skilled and motivated doctoral students and postdoctoral scientists like Lauren explore employment options outside of academia. Lauren won a BEST stipend (competitively awarded) to work as an intern for our program, and everyone was pleased with her original contributions to the blog as well as her editorial work with other Wayne doctoral students who wrote entries. Her writing is stylistically sophisticated and technically proficient, and she’s particularly good at connecting personal experiences with national trends in science education and training. I’d recommend Lauren most highly for any project, but especially in any area of STEM communication.”
“Lauren and I have worked together on the same cancer research team for the last several years. In addition to being an outstanding experimental scientist, she has a rare talent for communicating project objectives and scientific data, both in written and spoken form, to diverse audiences. Importantly, when she started in our laboratory, her background was in neuroscience and she had to quickly absorb substantial amounts of new information and acquire new skills, both on the theoretical and practical level, which she was able to do, seamlessly. One of the most challenging tasks for a scientist is figuring out how to convey research to audiences that have little or no scientific background. Lauren has represented our group at many events for cancer advocates, patients, and non-profit organizations and has received much praise and positive feedback for her ability to communicate research in a way that is both engaging and informative. Lauren can pinpoint the most important conclusion from large studies or data sets and present them in a concise, yet comprehensive manner to a specific target audience.”