The PRESTO study is the one of the largest in the world and takes advantage of social media to reach both men and women who are trying to conceive. The massive study has already determined that you should be cautious with your caffeine and alcohol intake and aim to get more than 6 hours of sleep per night. But scientists are leaving no stone unturned. The online study assesses lifestyle choices that range from the type of underwear you wear and prescriptions you take to time spent on your laptop (on your lap) and your lube usage.
Are you trying to get pregnant? Interested in helping scientists learn more about predictors of fertility and miscarriage? Consider joining an innovative online study, one of the largest in the world of its kind, called PRESTO (Pregnancy Study Online).
Researchers at Boston University are trying to figure out the factors and habits that influence fertility and miscarriage for both women and men. The online questions run the gamut from diet (do you enjoy carrot juice?), exercise routines, prescription drug use, to your favorite undies (boxers or briefs?), sex (do you use lubricants?), and work habits (how much time does that laptop spend heating up your nether regions?).
There is a worldwide decline in fertility rates. Identifying the underlying lifestyle and environmental factors are critical to understanding why, as well as what can be done to prevent this. Detroit is one of two cities chosen to be part of an additional paid component to the study. The E(nvironmental)-PRESTO sub-study is recruiting men and women to provide blood and urine samples at Henry Ford hospital. Scientists will then measure levels of chemicals normally found in the urban environment and determine their effects on fertility.
So far, data collected from the PRESTO study highlights some pregnancy saboteurs. These include excessive soda or alcohol consumption and getting less than 6 hours of sleep a night. The study also offers some peace of mind to those on oral contraceptives (long-term usage does not appear to harm fertility).
As the study moves forward, you can be a part of the initiative to discover how to boost couples’ chances of conceiving. Go to the PRESTO site to learn more.
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